Sunday, July 31, 2011

oh deary

it has been a long while since I updated now hasn't it? *blush*
Well its been busy, busy in locket land. Much sewing and life and settling into our new yet temporary abode just out of Lyttels. Oh and snow last week! yuss we had snow.
This stuff...

Rather beautiful isn't it?
So of course I had to take advantage of it and take some Balloon Ball pics as well. I stopped on my way to drop them to their new home and submitted them to rolling about in the stuff...ok it had mostly melted by then..

Well tis late lovelies, I'll be back soon this time. I've broken my code of silence *snort* !

ohhhh and this bunch of predominantly polka dotted loveliness has sauntered its way into my stash...goodness knows how ;)