Saturday, January 1, 2011

slack blogger aye, slap!

Despite the quietness on here, much abounds in locket land :D

The market on the 18th was SUPER! I met many talented crafters whose work I'd mostly only admired online and my wee half table nearly sold out. I had a great time explaining just what my balloon balls were. Every now and then I'd bounce one willfully wildly and nearly lose it across the market, oops. People picked them up expecting some weight to them and were surprised by their lightness ;)
Wee man ran around with dada in his gears, being completely mischievous, but certainly drummed up some interest, heehee. And pics...nahhhh that would have ment I'd have been far more awake, and certainly not up till 4am, labeling things the night before. It wasn't till we were on our way home that I thought, crap, no pics!

So heres a few..
oh and if you want you can like Locket on facebook. Finally last night I jumped in and started our page, slightly miffed we had to use a capital though, darn FB, we're lowercase, come on, is that really an issue?!!

bribed with a bik'it ;)

I've been working on locket Balloon Balls, or balloon armour if you will for.. a 'couple' of years. My eldest is almost 14 and she had a very basic version as a baby and every now and then I'd whip them up as a gift. Once wee man arrived nearly 2 years ago (gulp...hes a baby still right?) I made him one and after much tweaking and funny shaped 'boons- they abound in our lounge, I arrived at this design that keeps the balloon tucked well away from wee fingers (or mouths if its my monkey) and means balloons can be reused over and over if you twist rather than knot the end.

Did I mention how fun ceiling volleyball is in the lounge with a  toddler, teen and tween next to the flat screen? (guffaw)

this is the super sweet, organic version

and this 'boon is needle cord and 2D Zoo fabric, mmmmmm

I'll be back later with more. But for now small person needs to sleep :D

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